Model Papers_ Quaid e Azam University Islamabad

                                 Model Paper

                                M. Sc Anthropology

Q. No. 1: What is culture? Discuss the major functions of culture?

Q. No. 2: What is the impact of education on society?

Q. No. 3: Briefly elaborate the major social problems of Pakistan and also  describe any one social                    problem in detail.

Q. No. 4: How does agriculture technology has affected the social organization of rural society?

Q. No. 5: Define family and its functions.

Q. No. 6: Define marriage and its functions.

Q. No. 7: What is the impact of rural-urban migration?

Q. No. 8: What is the impact of the following on Pakistani society?
                   1. Modernization
                   2. Globalization
                   3. T. V
                   4. Mobile

                                 M. Sc Sociology
                 Q. No. 1: Briefly describe the major social problems of Pakistan.
                  Q. No. 2: What is socialization?
                  Q. No. 3: What is culture? Discuss the major functions of culture?
                  Q. No. 4: Briefly discuss the education system of Pakistan with particular reference to  girls’ education.
                  Q. No. 5: What is the impact of education on society?

                  Q. No. 6: How does agriculture technology has affected the social organization of rural society?

                  Q. No. 7: What is the impact of rural-urban migration?

                  Q. No. 8: What is the impact of the following on Pakistani society?
                                  1. Modernization
                                  2. Globalization
                                  3. T. V
                                  4. Mobile


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