Click The Following Links To download Handout/book of a Course
  1.  ACC311 - Fundamentals of Auditing 
  2.  ACC501 - Business Finance 
  3.  ACF619 - Final Project- Accounting & Finance 
  4.  ACFI619 - Internship Report-Accounting & Finance 
  5.  BNK601 - Banking Laws & Practices 
  6.  BNK603 - Consumer Banking 
  7.  BNK604 - Management of Financial Institutions (alt. code=MGT604) 
  8.  BNK619 - Final Project-Banking 
  9.  BNK620 - Final Project-Banking 
  10.  BNKI619 - Internship Report-Banking 
  11.  BNKI620 - Internship Report-Banking 
  12.  COM619 - Final Project-Commerce 
  13.  COMI619 - Internship Report-Commerce 
  14.  CS001 - VU-Computer Proficiency License 
  15.  CS101 - Introduction to Computing 
  16.  CS201 - Introduction to Programming 
  17.  CS301 - Data Structures 
  18.  CS302 - Digital Logic Design 
  19.  CS304 - Object Oriented Programming 
  20.  CS401 - Computer Architecture and Assembly Language Programming 
  21.  CS402 - Theory of Automata 
  22.  CS403 - Database Management Systems 
  23.  CS408 - Human Computer Interaction 
  24.  CS410 - Visual Programming 
  25.  CS501 - Advance Computer Architecture 
  26.  CS502 - Fundamentals of Algorithms 
  27.  CS504 - Software Engineering - I 
  28.  CS506 - Web Design and Development 
  29.  CS507 - Information Systems 
  30.  CS508 - Modern Programming Languages 
  31.  CS601 - Data Communication 
  32.  CS602 - Computer Graphics 
  33.  CS604 - Operating Systems 
  34.  CS605 - Software EngineeringII 
  35.  CS606 - Compiler Construction 
  36.  CS607 - Artificial Intelligence 
  37.  CS609 - System Programming 
  38.  CS610 - Computer Network 
  39.  CS614 - Data Warehousing 
  40.  CS615 - Software Project Management 
  41.  CS619 - Final Project 
  42.  CS701 - Theory of Computation 
  43.  CS702 - Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design 
  44.  CS703 - Advanced Operating Systems 
  45.  CS704 - Advanced Computer Architecture-II 
  46.  cs708 - Software Requirement Engineering 
  47.  CS709 - Formal Methods for Software Engineering 
  48.  CS712 - Distributed DBMS 
  49.  CS716 - Advanced Computer Networks 
  50.  CS718 - Wireless Networks 
  51.  CS723 - Probability and Stochastic Processes 
  52.  ECO401 - Economics 
  53.  ECO402 - Microeconomics 
  54.  ECO403 - Macroeconomics 
  55.  ECO404 - Managerial Economics 
  56.  ENG001 - Elementary English 
  57.  ENG101 - English Comprehension 
  58.  ENG201 - Business and Technical English Writing 
  59.  ENG301 - Business Communication 
  60.  ENG401 - Introduction to Literature: Short Story and Poetry 
  61.  ETH201 - Ethics (for Non-Muslims) 
  62.  FIN611 - Advanced Financial Accounting 
  63.  FIN619 - Final Project-Finance 
  64.  FIN620 - Final Project-Finance 
  65.  FIN621 - Financial Statement Analysis 
  66.  FIN622 - Corporate Finance 
  67.  FIN623 - Taxation Management 
  68.  FIN624 - Islamic Mode of Financing 
  69.  FIN625 - Credit & Risk Management 
  70.  FIN630 - Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management 
  71.  FINI619 - Internship Report-Finance 
  72.  FINI620 - Internship Report-Finance 
  73.  HRM611 - Human Relations (alt. code=MGMT611) 
  74.  HRM619 - Final Project-Human Resource Management 
  75.  HRM620 - Final Project-Human Resource Management 
  76.  HRM623 - Leadership & Team Management (alt. code=MGMT623) 
  77.  HRM624 - Conflict Management 
  78.  HRM625 - Change Management (alt. code=MGMT625) 
  79.  HRM627 - Human Resource Development 
  80.  HRM628 - Organizational Development (alt. code=MGMT628) 
  81.  HRMI619 - Internship Report--Human Resource Management 
  82.  HRMI620 - Internship Report-Human Resource Management 
  83.  ISL201 - Islamic Studies 
  84.  IT000 - Information Technology 
  85.  IT00001 - Testing 
  86.  IT430 - E-Commerce 
  87.  MCM101 - Introduction to Mass Communication 
  88.  MCM301 - Communication skills 
  89.  MCM304 - Mass Media in Pakistan 
  90.  MCM310 - Journalistic Writing 
  91.  MCM311 - Reporting and Sub-Editing 
  92.  MCM401 - Fundamentals of Public Relations 
  93.  MCM404 - Globalization of Media 
  94.  MCM411 - Introduction to Broadcasting 
  95.  MCM431 - Development Communication 
  96.  MCM501 - Advertising for Print and Electronic Media 
  97.  MCM511 - Theories of Communication 
  98.  MCM514 - Feature & Column Writing 
  99.  MCM515 - Radio News Reporting & Production 
  100.  MCM516 - TV News Reporting & Production 
  101.  MCM517 - Online Journalism 
  102.  MCM520 - Contemporary Mass Media 
  103.  MCM531 - Community Journalism 
  104.  MCM532 - Magazine Journalism 
  105.  MCM601 - Media Management 
  106.  MCM604 - International Communication 
  107.  MCM610 - Mass Communication Law & Ethics 
  108.  MCM619 - Final Project-Mass Communication 
  109.  MCMI619 - Internship Report-Mass Communication 
  110.  MGMT510 - Total Quality Management (alt. code=MGT510) 
  111.  MGMT611 - Human Relations (alt. code=HRM611) 
  112.  MGMT623 - Leadership & Team Management - MGMT623 (alt. code=HRM623) 
  113.  MGMT625 - Change Management (alt. code=HRM625) 
  114.  MGMT627 - Project Management 
  115.  MGMT628 - Organizational Development (alt. code=HRM628) 
  116.  MGMT629 - Crisis Management 
  117.  MGMT630 - Knowledge Management 
  118.  MGT101 - Financial Accounting 
  119.  MGT111 - Introduction to Public Administration 
  120.  MGT201 - Financial Management 
  121.  MGT211 - Introduction To Business 
  122.  MGT301 - Principles of Marketing 
  123.  MGT401 - Financial Accounting II 
  124.  MGT402 - Cost & Management Accounting 
  125.  MGT411 - Money & Banking 
  126.  MGT501 - Human Resource Management 
  127.  MGT502 - Organizational Behaviour 
  128.  MGT503 - Principles of Management 
  129.  MGT504 - Organization Theory & Design 
  130.  MGT510 - Total Quality Management (alt. code=MGMT510) 
  131.  MGT520 - International Business 
  132.  MGT601 - SME Management 
  133.  MGT602 - Entrepreneurship 
  134.  MGT603 - Strategic Management 
  135.  MGT604 - Management of Financial Institutions (alt. code=BNK604) 
  136.  MGT610 - Business Ethics 
  137.  MGT611 - Business & Labor Law 
  138.  MGT613 - Production / Operations Management 
  139.  MGT619 - Final Project-Management 
  140.  MGT620 - Final Project-Management 
  141.  MGTI619 - Internship Report-Management 
  142.  MGTI620 - Internship Report-Management 
  143.  MIS619 - Final Project-Management Information System 
  144.  mis620 - Final Project-Management Information System 
  145.  MIS620 - Final Project-Management Information System 
  146.  MISI619 - Internship Report-Management Information System 
  147.  MISI620 - Internship Report-Management Information System 
  148.  MKT501 - Marketing Management 
  149.  MKT610 - Customer Relationship Management 
  150.  MKT611 - Marketing Research 
  151.  MKT619 - Final Project-Marketing 
  152.  MKT620 - Final Project-Marketing 
  153.  MKT621 - Advertising & Promotion 
  154.  MKT624 - Brand Management 
  155.  MKT630 - International Marketing 
  156.  MKTI619 - Internship Report-Marketing 
  157.  MKTI620 - Internship Report-Marketing 
  158.  MTH001 - Elementary Mathematics 
  159.  MTH101 - Calculus And Analytical Geometry 
  160.  MTH202 - Discrete Mathematics 
  161.  MTH301 - Calculus II 
  162.  MTH302 - Business Mathematics & Statistics 
  163.  MTH401 - Differential Equations 
  164.  MTH501 - Linear Algebra 
  165.  MTH601 - Operations Research 
  166.  MTH603 - Numerical Analysis 
  167.  PAD619 - Final Project-Public Administration 
  168.  PADI619 - Internship Report-Public Administration 
  169.  PAK301 - Pakistan Studies 
  170.  PHY101 - Physics 
  171.  PHY301 - Circuit Theory 
  172.  PSC201 - International Relations 
  173.  PSY101 - Introduction to Psychology 
  174.  PSY401 - Clinical Psychology 
  175.  PSY402 - Experimental Psychology 
  176.  PSY403 - Social Psychology 
  177.  PSY404 - Abnormal Psychology 
  178.  PSY405 - Personality Psychology 
  179.  PSY406 - Educational Psychology 
  180.  PSY407 - Sport Psychology 
  181.  PSY408 - Health Psychology 
  182.  PSY409 - Positive Psychology 
  183.  PSY502 - History & Systems of Psychology 
  184.  PSY504 - Cognitive Psychology 
  185.  PSY505 - Developmental Psychology 
  186.  PSY510 - Organizational Psychology 
  187.  PSY511 - Environmental Psychology 
  188.  PSY512 - Gender Issues in Psychology 
  189.  PSY513 - Forensic Psychology 
  190.  PSY514 - Consumer Psychology 
  191.  PSY515 - Cross Cultural Psychology 
  192.  PSY610 - Neurological Bases of Behavior 
  193.  PSY619 - Final Project-Psychology 
  194.  PSY631 - Psychological Testing & Measurements 
  195.  PSY632 - Theory & Practice of Counseling 
  196.  PSYI619 - Internship Report-Psychology 
  197.  SOC101 - Introduction to Sociology 
  198.  SOC401 - Cultural Anthropology 
  199.  STA301 - Statistics and Probability 
  200.  STA630 - Research Methods 


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