
Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

Entry Test Guidance

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

Entry Test Helperer

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

Past Papers

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

Merit List

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

Parents’ role in the education of their children

The first institution of a child where he learns is his home. A child passes most of his time with his parents and learns from his parents and the environment provided to him by his parents in home. Parents play a vital role in the education of their child, whatever child’s age is, (either he read in college or in school). If parents pay attention to their children, they make more scholastic achievements than those who are ignored. If parents take care of following things, they can improve the education of their children.

Give more time to your children.

Spare time in your busy routine, for your children. If you keep on ignoring your children, it will make them feel irresponsible and they will lose interest in study.
spend time with your children as much as possible and discuss with them about their studies daily. Ask them daily, what did they read in school or college today. Help them in their studies, if possible. Talk to them about the how can they improve. Make them aware  of the importance of study in their life. By this way, children start taking interest in their studies and they do well in exam.
          If you do not give them time you cannot expect that they well do well in their academics.

Provide them a supportive environment in home.

Home environment affects a student life a lot. Create a loving environment having good relationships among all family members which has a good impact on the mind of your children so that they can study well. If the environment of home stresses children, they will not be able to concentrate on their studies.
          Create a supportive and educational environment in home. Don’t do such activities which can absorb the attention of your children while they study like turn off television when they study. Provide them a quiet place for study where they can study with more concentration and interest. Paste some charts or tables (having study material) on the walls of home.

Encourage your children.

Appreciate if they do well in exam and if they get less grades encourage them for hard work. By appreciating them for their achievements in exam, they start to struggle more to get more appreciation. Encouraging them if they fail or get less marks enables them to stand again and start with new determination.

Make link with the school or college teachers of your children.

Visit their school college once a week and ask the relevant teacher about the studies of your children. It will give you the idea about the study of your children. You come to know about the weakness of your children and then try to improve accordingly. If you ask the their teacher, your children will study whole heartedly

Discuss with your children about their problems.

Your children may have some problems which hinder their study. Ask your children if they have some problems and try to solve their problem. Be friendly while discussing with them about their problems so that they can discuss openly.

Keep watch on the activities of your children.

                                                            Have watch on the daily activities of your children and see they may not be utilizing their energy and time in un-necessary activities. They may not be wasting time in playing game or watching movies for a lot of time. Never suspect on your children but have watch on their activities in a way so that they may not feel that you are suspecting on them.

Improve the study habits of your children.

                                                            Advise your children about how to develop study habits. Make your children sleep in time and get up early in the morning. Make them sit for study if they do not, so that they develop the study habit. Show them the tips for good study and preparation for exam. Stop them from useless activities.

Your behavior while advising them

You should have balance in your love and strictness to your children. Have love while advising your children for studies Have authoritative behavior while prohibiting them from some things. Never beat them but strictly prohibit them from wasting time or unnecessary activities or wrong manners etc so that can take it serious and follow it.

computer based exam (CBE)

Computer based exam (CBE) is an exam which is taken on computer instead of writing on a paper. It can be an online exam or an exam on the computer in a college laboratory. It is very important to learn how to take computer based exam before taking the computer based exam especially if you have little knowledge about operating computer. 
  1. Double click on the icon for exam
  2. A page will open, it asks username (may be your name)  and password (may be your roll number or secret password given to you for this exam). Using keyboard, write all the required information, asked on this page. For information asked there will be a blank space in which you have to write.
  3. If there is to make selection of subject or category for exam, select subject in which you are going to take exam. For selection of subject or category for exam, click on it or click in the circle or box near that subject. If there is not any such selection then don’t consider this step.
  4. A new page will open which shows you instructions about the exam. Read it carefully. It tells you about the nature of questions, numbers of question in exam and time given for it etc.  At the bottom or top there will be a button “START EXAM”. Click on it when you finish reading the instructions.
  5. A new page will open. There will be questions with its question numbers and the choices for answer below each question.
  6. There will be time on the top of paper which shows you time available to you. Time will go in descending order (i.e 70:00 mins, 69:59 mins, 69:58 mins) so that you can easily know how much time is remaining.
  7. To attempt question, select the correct choice (answer) and click in the box or circle with that choice. Remember, there is button “SUBMIT” or “SAVE” below each question. Do press it after you select the correct choice, so that the answer can be saved.
  8. Attempt those questions first, which you can attempt easily and leave the difficult one or which is taking your much time. All the questions which you leave, will be shown in a column on a side with tag “UN-ATTEMPTED QUESTIONS”. You can scroll this column in the last to see and solve all the un-attempted question.
  9. Computer Based Exam has usually MCQs but sometimes there may be essay question as well. If there are essay question, there will be a large box below the question, in which you have to write the answer with the help of key board.
  10. There is button “NEXT” at the bottom of page. Press it when you are moving to next page for next questions.
  11. When you attempt the last question, see if there is any un-attempted question in the previous question, try to attempt these un attempted question.
  12. On the last page there is a button “FINISH”, when you attempt all the questions, press the “FINISH” to finish exam. your result will prompt on screen.

Join Pakistan Navy as PN Cadet 2016

Pakistan Navy has announced the test date for PN Cadets. This is opportunity to join Pakistan Navy as PN Cadet. Registration has started from 26th of October and will last till 13th of November. Test would be held on 22th of November Test for PN Cadets would be based on MCQs type test, which includes Intelligence test and Academic test. 

Start you PN Cadet test preparation using Pakprep.com. You can test our demo MCQs without registering at the following links,


NTS National Aptitude Test Preparation Online 2016

National Testing Service (NTS) is and independent testing organization in Pakistan. Some engineering universities and medical colleges in Pakistan gave admission based on the aptitude test managed by the NTS. This test is called National Aptitude Test (NAT). Whereas most of the top ranked engineering universities and medical colleges of Pakistan took their own entry tests. For example in Engineering NUST, GIKI, FAST, UET, NED have their own entry tests. Similarly for public sector medical colleges the admission is given on the basis of Punjab MCAT, Sindh MCAT and KPK ETEA. National Aptitude Test (NAT) emphasis more on the general analytical and quantitative sections, while the main focus of tests for leading engineering  universities and medical colleges  like NUST, GIKI, UET, FAST, Punjab MCAT, Sindh MCAT, KPK ETEA is on the subject tests which includes Physics, Chemistry and Biology and  Mathematics. Pakprep.com provides the complete coursework for the English and subject tests section of National Aptitude Test (NAT). Here is the test pattern of NAT for medical colleges and engineering universities.



                     Click The Following Links To download Handout/book of a Course
  1.  ACC311 - Fundamentals of Auditing 
  2.  ACC501 - Business Finance 
  3.  ACF619 - Final Project- Accounting & Finance 
  4.  ACFI619 - Internship Report-Accounting & Finance 
  5.  BNK601 - Banking Laws & Practices 
  6.  BNK603 - Consumer Banking 
  7.  BNK604 - Management of Financial Institutions (alt. code=MGT604) 
  8.  BNK619 - Final Project-Banking 
  9.  BNK620 - Final Project-Banking 
  10.  BNKI619 - Internship Report-Banking 
  11.  BNKI620 - Internship Report-Banking 
  12.  COM619 - Final Project-Commerce 
  13.  COMI619 - Internship Report-Commerce 
  14.  CS001 - VU-Computer Proficiency License 
  15.  CS101 - Introduction to Computing 
  16.  CS201 - Introduction to Programming 
  17.  CS301 - Data Structures 
  18.  CS302 - Digital Logic Design 
  19.  CS304 - Object Oriented Programming 
  20.  CS401 - Computer Architecture and Assembly Language Programming 
  21.  CS402 - Theory of Automata 
  22.  CS403 - Database Management Systems 
  23.  CS408 - Human Computer Interaction 
  24.  CS410 - Visual Programming 
  25.  CS501 - Advance Computer Architecture 
  26.  CS502 - Fundamentals of Algorithms 
  27.  CS504 - Software Engineering - I 
  28.  CS506 - Web Design and Development 
  29.  CS507 - Information Systems 
  30.  CS508 - Modern Programming Languages 
  31.  CS601 - Data Communication 
  32.  CS602 - Computer Graphics 
  33.  CS604 - Operating Systems 
  34.  CS605 - Software EngineeringII 
  35.  CS606 - Compiler Construction 
  36.  CS607 - Artificial Intelligence 
  37.  CS609 - System Programming 
  38.  CS610 - Computer Network 
  39.  CS614 - Data Warehousing 
  40.  CS615 - Software Project Management 
  41.  CS619 - Final Project 
  42.  CS701 - Theory of Computation 
  43.  CS702 - Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design 
  44.  CS703 - Advanced Operating Systems 
  45.  CS704 - Advanced Computer Architecture-II 
  46.  cs708 - Software Requirement Engineering 
  47.  CS709 - Formal Methods for Software Engineering 
  48.  CS712 - Distributed DBMS 
  49.  CS716 - Advanced Computer Networks 
  50.  CS718 - Wireless Networks 
  51.  CS723 - Probability and Stochastic Processes 
  52.  ECO401 - Economics 
  53.  ECO402 - Microeconomics 
  54.  ECO403 - Macroeconomics 
  55.  ECO404 - Managerial Economics 
  56.  ENG001 - Elementary English 
  57.  ENG101 - English Comprehension 
  58.  ENG201 - Business and Technical English Writing 
  59.  ENG301 - Business Communication 
  60.  ENG401 - Introduction to Literature: Short Story and Poetry 
  61.  ETH201 - Ethics (for Non-Muslims) 
  62.  FIN611 - Advanced Financial Accounting 
  63.  FIN619 - Final Project-Finance 
  64.  FIN620 - Final Project-Finance 
  65.  FIN621 - Financial Statement Analysis 
  66.  FIN622 - Corporate Finance 
  67.  FIN623 - Taxation Management 
  68.  FIN624 - Islamic Mode of Financing 
  69.  FIN625 - Credit & Risk Management 
  70.  FIN630 - Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management 
  71.  FINI619 - Internship Report-Finance 
  72.  FINI620 - Internship Report-Finance 
  73.  HRM611 - Human Relations (alt. code=MGMT611) 
  74.  HRM619 - Final Project-Human Resource Management 
  75.  HRM620 - Final Project-Human Resource Management 
  76.  HRM623 - Leadership & Team Management (alt. code=MGMT623) 
  77.  HRM624 - Conflict Management 
  78.  HRM625 - Change Management (alt. code=MGMT625) 
  79.  HRM627 - Human Resource Development 
  80.  HRM628 - Organizational Development (alt. code=MGMT628) 
  81.  HRMI619 - Internship Report--Human Resource Management 
  82.  HRMI620 - Internship Report-Human Resource Management 
  83.  ISL201 - Islamic Studies 
  84.  IT000 - Information Technology 
  85.  IT00001 - Testing 
  86.  IT430 - E-Commerce 
  87.  MCM101 - Introduction to Mass Communication 
  88.  MCM301 - Communication skills 
  89.  MCM304 - Mass Media in Pakistan 
  90.  MCM310 - Journalistic Writing 
  91.  MCM311 - Reporting and Sub-Editing 
  92.  MCM401 - Fundamentals of Public Relations 
  93.  MCM404 - Globalization of Media 
  94.  MCM411 - Introduction to Broadcasting 
  95.  MCM431 - Development Communication 
  96.  MCM501 - Advertising for Print and Electronic Media 
  97.  MCM511 - Theories of Communication 
  98.  MCM514 - Feature & Column Writing 
  99.  MCM515 - Radio News Reporting & Production 
  100.  MCM516 - TV News Reporting & Production 
  101.  MCM517 - Online Journalism 
  102.  MCM520 - Contemporary Mass Media 
  103.  MCM531 - Community Journalism 
  104.  MCM532 - Magazine Journalism 
  105.  MCM601 - Media Management 
  106.  MCM604 - International Communication 
  107.  MCM610 - Mass Communication Law & Ethics 
  108.  MCM619 - Final Project-Mass Communication 
  109.  MCMI619 - Internship Report-Mass Communication 
  110.  MGMT510 - Total Quality Management (alt. code=MGT510) 
  111.  MGMT611 - Human Relations (alt. code=HRM611) 
  112.  MGMT623 - Leadership & Team Management - MGMT623 (alt. code=HRM623) 
  113.  MGMT625 - Change Management (alt. code=HRM625) 
  114.  MGMT627 - Project Management 
  115.  MGMT628 - Organizational Development (alt. code=HRM628) 
  116.  MGMT629 - Crisis Management 
  117.  MGMT630 - Knowledge Management 
  118.  MGT101 - Financial Accounting 
  119.  MGT111 - Introduction to Public Administration 
  120.  MGT201 - Financial Management 
  121.  MGT211 - Introduction To Business 
  122.  MGT301 - Principles of Marketing 
  123.  MGT401 - Financial Accounting II 
  124.  MGT402 - Cost & Management Accounting 
  125.  MGT411 - Money & Banking 
  126.  MGT501 - Human Resource Management 
  127.  MGT502 - Organizational Behaviour 
  128.  MGT503 - Principles of Management 
  129.  MGT504 - Organization Theory & Design 
  130.  MGT510 - Total Quality Management (alt. code=MGMT510) 
  131.  MGT520 - International Business 
  132.  MGT601 - SME Management 
  133.  MGT602 - Entrepreneurship 
  134.  MGT603 - Strategic Management 
  135.  MGT604 - Management of Financial Institutions (alt. code=BNK604) 
  136.  MGT610 - Business Ethics 
  137.  MGT611 - Business & Labor Law 
  138.  MGT613 - Production / Operations Management 
  139.  MGT619 - Final Project-Management 
  140.  MGT620 - Final Project-Management 
  141.  MGTI619 - Internship Report-Management 
  142.  MGTI620 - Internship Report-Management 
  143.  MIS619 - Final Project-Management Information System 
  144.  mis620 - Final Project-Management Information System 
  145.  MIS620 - Final Project-Management Information System 
  146.  MISI619 - Internship Report-Management Information System 
  147.  MISI620 - Internship Report-Management Information System 
  148.  MKT501 - Marketing Management 
  149.  MKT610 - Customer Relationship Management 
  150.  MKT611 - Marketing Research 
  151.  MKT619 - Final Project-Marketing 
  152.  MKT620 - Final Project-Marketing 
  153.  MKT621 - Advertising & Promotion 
  154.  MKT624 - Brand Management 
  155.  MKT630 - International Marketing 
  156.  MKTI619 - Internship Report-Marketing 
  157.  MKTI620 - Internship Report-Marketing 
  158.  MTH001 - Elementary Mathematics 
  159.  MTH101 - Calculus And Analytical Geometry 
  160.  MTH202 - Discrete Mathematics 
  161.  MTH301 - Calculus II 
  162.  MTH302 - Business Mathematics & Statistics 
  163.  MTH401 - Differential Equations 
  164.  MTH501 - Linear Algebra 
  165.  MTH601 - Operations Research 
  166.  MTH603 - Numerical Analysis 
  167.  PAD619 - Final Project-Public Administration 
  168.  PADI619 - Internship Report-Public Administration 
  169.  PAK301 - Pakistan Studies 
  170.  PHY101 - Physics 
  171.  PHY301 - Circuit Theory 
  172.  PSC201 - International Relations 
  173.  PSY101 - Introduction to Psychology 
  174.  PSY401 - Clinical Psychology 
  175.  PSY402 - Experimental Psychology 
  176.  PSY403 - Social Psychology 
  177.  PSY404 - Abnormal Psychology 
  178.  PSY405 - Personality Psychology 
  179.  PSY406 - Educational Psychology 
  180.  PSY407 - Sport Psychology 
  181.  PSY408 - Health Psychology 
  182.  PSY409 - Positive Psychology 
  183.  PSY502 - History & Systems of Psychology 
  184.  PSY504 - Cognitive Psychology 
  185.  PSY505 - Developmental Psychology 
  186.  PSY510 - Organizational Psychology 
  187.  PSY511 - Environmental Psychology 
  188.  PSY512 - Gender Issues in Psychology 
  189.  PSY513 - Forensic Psychology 
  190.  PSY514 - Consumer Psychology 
  191.  PSY515 - Cross Cultural Psychology 
  192.  PSY610 - Neurological Bases of Behavior 
  193.  PSY619 - Final Project-Psychology 
  194.  PSY631 - Psychological Testing & Measurements 
  195.  PSY632 - Theory & Practice of Counseling 
  196.  PSYI619 - Internship Report-Psychology 
  197.  SOC101 - Introduction to Sociology 
  198.  SOC401 - Cultural Anthropology 
  199.  STA301 - Statistics and Probability 
  200.  STA630 - Research Methods 


Presentation Of paper attempt for good marks


Suggestion For Repeaters



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Medical Colleges Apptiude Test (MCAT) Orgional Stuff 2014


Student Alert


Admission Notices - Spring 2016


CSS EXAM - Syllabus




• Essay100
• English (Precis and Composition)100

General Knowledge

• Everyday science100
• Current Affairs100
• Pakistan Affairs100
• Islamiat100



• Accountancy & Auditing200
• Economics200
• Business Administration100
• Public Administration100


• Political Science200
• Agriculture100
• Forestry100
• Sociology100
• Journalism100


• Pure Mathematics200
• Applied Mathematics200
• Computer Science100
• Statistics100


• Physics200
• Geology200
• Geography200
• Chemistry200
• Botany200
• Zoology200


• Islamic History & Culture200
• Indo-Pak History200
• British History200
• European History200
• History of the USA100


• Law200
• Constitutional Law100
• Mercantile Law100
• Muslim Law & Jurisprudence100
• International Law100
• International Relations100


• Philosophy200
• Psychology including Experimental Psychology200


• Sindhi100
• Pushto100
• Punjabi100
• Balochi100


• English Literature200
• Urdu200
• Persian200
• Arabic200

General Information - 1

Governors General of Pakistan

Muhammad Ali Jinnah
15 August 1947
11 September 1948

Khawaja Nazimuddin
14 September 1948
17 October 1951

Ghulam Muhammad
17 October 1951
6 October 1955

Iskander Mirza
6 October 1955
23 March 1956

Presidents of Pakistan 1956-2016


Iskander Mirza(1899–1969)

23 March 1956

27 October 1958


Ayub Khan(1907–74)

27 October 1958

8 June 1962[n 2]

8 June 1962

25 March 1969


Yahya Khan(1917–80)

25 March 1969

20 December 1971


Zulfikar Ali Bhutto(1928–79)

20 December 1971

13 August 1973


Fazal Ilahi Chaudhry(1904–82)

14 August 1973

16 September 1978


Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq(1924–88)

16 September 1978

17 August 1988


Ghulam Ishaq Khan(1915–2006)

17 August 1988

18 July 1993


Wasim Sajjad(1941– )

18 July 1993

14 November 1993


Farooq Leghari(1940–2010)

14 November 1993

2 December 1997


Wasim Sajjad(1941– )

2 December 1997

1 January 1998


Muhammad Rafiq Tarar(1929–)

1 January 1998

20 June 2001


Pervez Musharraf(1943– )

20 June 2001

6 October 2007

6 October 2007

18 August 2008


Muhammad Mian Soomro(1950– )

18 August 2008

9 September 2008


Asif Ali Zardari[30](1955– )

9 September 2008

8 September 2013


Mamnoon Hussain(1940– )

9 September 2013


Prime Ministers of Pakistan 1895-2016


Liaquat Ali Khan(1895–1951)

14 August 1947

16 October 1951


Khawaja Nazimuddin(1894–1964)

17 October 1951

17 April 1953


Muhammad Ali Bogra(1909–63)

17 April 1953

12 August 1955


Chaudhry Muhammad Ali(1905–80)

12 August 1955

12 September 1956


Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy(1892–1963)

12 September 1956

17 October 1957


Ibrahim Ismail Chundrigar(1898–1968)

17 October 1957

16 December 1957


Feroz Khan Noon(1893–1970)

16 December 1957

7 October 1958


Nurul Amin(1893–1974)

7 December 1971

20 December 1971


Zulfikar Ali Bhutto(1928–79)

14 August 1973

5 July 1977


Muhammad Khan Junejo(1932–93)

24 March 1985

29 May 1988


Benazir Bhutto(1953–2007)

2 December 1988

6 August 1990


Ghulam Mustafa Jatoi(1931–2009)

6 August 1990

6 November 1990


Nawaz Sharif(1949–)

6 November 1990

18 April 1993


Balakh Sher Mazari(1928–)

18 April 1993

26 May 1993


Nawaz Sharif(1949–)

26 May 1993

18 July 1993


Moeenuddin Ahmad Qureshi(1930–)

18 July 1993

19 October 1993


Benazir Bhutto(1953–2007)

19 October 1993

5 November 1996


Malik Meraj Khalid

5 November 1996

17 February 1997


Nawaz Sharif(1949–)

17 February 1997

12 October 1999


Zafarullah Khan Jamali(1944–)

21 November 2002

26 June 2004


Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain(1946–)

30 June 2004

20 August 2004


Shaukat Aziz(1949–)

20 August 2004

16 November 2007


Muhammad Mian Soomro(1950–)

16 November 2007

25 March 2008


Yousaf Raza Gillani(1952–)

25 March 2008

19 June 2013


Raja Pervaiz Ashraf(1950–)

22 June 2013

25 March 2013


Mir Hazar Khan Khoso(1929–)

25 March 2013

5 June 2013


Nawaz Sharif(1949–)

5 June 2013


Chief Ministers of Punjab 1947-2016

Name of Chief Minister

Entered Office

Left Office

Iftikhar Hussain Khan

August 15, 1947

January 25, 1949

Governor's rule

January 25, 1949

April 5, 1951

Mian Mumtaz Daultana

April 15, 1951

April 3, 1953

Feroz Khan Noon

April 3, 1953

May 21, 1955

Abdul Hamid Khan Dasti

May 21, 1955

October 14, 1955

Part of West Pakistan province

October 14, 1955

June 30, 1970

Martial law

July 1, 1970

May 2, 1972

Malik Meraj Khalid

May 2, 1972

November 12, 1973

Ghulam Mustafa Khar

November 12, 1973

March 15, 1974

Hanif Ramay

March 15, 1974

July 15, 1975

Sadiq Hussain Qureshi

July 15, 1975

July 5, 1977

Martial law

July 5, 1977

April 9, 1985

Nawaz Sharif

April 9, 1985

August 6, 1990

Ghulam Haider Wyne

August 6, 1990

April 25, 1993

Manzoor Wattoo (1st time)

April 25, 1993

July 19, 1993

Manzoor Elahi (caretaker)

July 19, 1993

October 20, 1993

Manzoor Wattoo (2nd time)

October 20, 1993

September 13, 1995

Sardar Arif Nakai

September 13, 1995

November 3, 1996

Manzoor Wattoo (3rd time)

November 3, 1996

November 16, 1996

Mian Muhammad Afzal Hayat (caretaker)

November 16, 1996

February 20, 1997

Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif (1st time)

February 20, 1997

October 12, 1999

Governor's rule

October 11, 1999

November 29, 2002

Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi

November 29, 2002

November 18, 2007

Shiekh Ejaz Nisar (caretaker)

November 19, 2007

April 11, 2008

Dost Muhammad Khosa

April 12, 2008

June 8, 2008

Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif (2nd time)
June 8, 2008

February 25, 2009

Governor's rule

February 25, 2009

March 30, 2009

Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif (2nd time)

March 30, 2009

March 26, 2013

Najam Sethi (Caretaker)

March 27, 2013

June 7, 2013

Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif (3rd time)

June 8, 2013


Chief Ministers of Sindh 1937-2016

Name of Chief Minister

Entered Office

Left Office

Ghulam Hussain Hidayat Ullah (1st time)

April 28, 1937

March 23, 1938

Allah Bux Soomro (1st time)

March 23, 1938

April 18, 1940

Mir Bandeh Ali Khan Talpur

April 18, 1940

March 7, 1941

Allah Bux Soomro (2nd time)

March 7, 1941

October 14, 1942

Ghulam Hussain Hidayat Ullah (2nd time)

October 14, 1942

August 14, 1947

Muhammad Ayub Khuhro (1st time)

August 16, 1947

April 28, 1948

Pir Ilahi Bux

May 3, 1948

February 4, 1949

Yusuf Haroon

February 18, 1949

May 7, 1950

Qazi Fazlullah Ubaidullah

May 8, 1950

March 24, 1951

Muhammad Ayub Khuhro (2nd time)

March 25, 1951

December 29, 1951

Governor's rule

December 29, 1951

May 22, 1953

Pirzada Abdul Sattar

May 22, 1953

November 8, 1954

Muhammad Ayub Khuhro (3rd time)

November 9, 1954

October 13, 1955

Post abolished

October 13, 1955

June 30, 1970

Martial law

July 1, 1970

May 1, 1972

Mumtaz Bhutto (1st time)

May 1, 1972

December 20, 1973

Ghulam Mustafa Jatoi

December 25, 1973

July 5, 1977

Martial law

July 5, 1977

April 6, 1985

Ghous Ali Shah

April 6, 1985

April 6, 1988

Akhtar Ali Ghulam Qazi (1st time)

April 11, 1988

June 24, 1988

Governor's rule

June 24, 1988

August 31, 1988

Akhtar Ali Ghulam Qazi (2nd time; caretaker)

August 31, 1988

December 2, 1988

Qaim Ali Shah

December 2, 1988

February 25, 1990

Aftab Shaban Mirani

February 25, 1990

August 6, 1990

Jam Sadiq Ali (acting till November 5, 1990)

August 6, 1990

March 5, 1992

Muzaffar Hussain Shah
March 6, 1992
July 19, 1993

Syed Ali Madad Shah (caretaker)

July 19, 1993

October 21, 1993

Syed Abdullah Shah

October 21, 1993

November 6, 1996

Mumtaz Bhutto (2nd time; caretaker)

November 7, 1996

February 22, 1997

Liaquat Ali Jatoi

February 22, 1997

October 30, 1998

Governor's rule-No Chief Minister

October 30, 1998

December 17, 2002

Ali Mohammad Mahar

December 17, 2002

June 9, 2004

Arbab Ghulam Rahim

June 9, 2004

November 19, 2007

Abdul Qadir Halepoto (caretaker)

November 19, 2007

April 6, 2008

Qaim Ali Shah (2nd time)

April 6, 2008

March 21, 2013

Zahid Qurban Alvi (caretaker)

March 21, 2013

May 30, 2013

Qaim Ali Shah (3rd time)

May 30, 2013

To date

Chief Ministers of Balochistan 1996-2016

Name of Chief Minister

Entered Office

Left Office
Ataullah Mengal

May 1, 1972

February 13, 1973

Governor's rule

February 13, 1973

April 27, 1973

Jam Ghulam Qadir Khan (1st time)

April 27, 1973

December 31, 1974

Governor's rule

December 31, 1974

December 6, 1976

Sardar Mohammad Khan Barozai

December 7, 1976

July 5, 1977

Martial law

July 5, 1977

April 6, 1985

Jam Ghulam Qadir Khan (2nd time)

April 6, 1985

Zafarullah Khan Jamali (1st time)

June 24, 1988

December 24, 1988

Khuda Bux Marri (acting)

December 24, 1988

February 5, 1989

Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti

February 5, 1989

August 7, 1990

Mir Humayun Khan Marri (caretaker)

August 7, 1990

November 17, 1990

Taj Muhammad Jamali

November 17, 1990

May 22, 1993

Zulfikar Ali Magsi (1st time)

May 30, 1993

July 19, 1993

Mohammad Nasir Mengal (caretaker)

July 19, 1993

October 20, 1993

Zulfikar Ali Magsi (2nd time)

October 20, 1993

November 9, 1996

Zafarullah Khan Jamali (caretaker; 2nd time)

November 9, 1996

February 22, 1997

Akhtar Mengal

February 22, 1997

July 29, 1998

Jan Mohammad Jamali

August 13, 1998

October 12, 1999  

Governor's rule

October 12, 1999

December 1, 2002

Jam Mohammad Yousaf

December 1, 2002

November 19, 2007

Mohammad Saleh Bhutani (caretaker)

November 19, 2007

April 8, 2008

Aslam Raisani

April 9, 2008

January 14, 2013

Governor's rule

January 14, 2013

March 13, 2013

Aslam Raisani

March 13, 2013

March 23, 2013

Nawab Ghous Bakhsh Barozai(acting)

March 23, 2013

June 7, 2013

Abdul Malik Baloch            june 2013 Jan 2016

Nawab Sannaullah Zehri                   Jan 2016    up to date 

Chief Ministers of Khyber Pakhtunkhaw 1947-2016

Name of Chief Minister

Entered Office

Left Office

Abdul Qayyum Khan

August 23, 1947

April 23, 1953

Sardar Abdur Rashid Khan

April 23, 1953

July 18, 1955

Sardar Bahadur Khan

July 19, 1955

October 14, 1955

Post abolished

October 14, 1955

June 30, 1970

Martial law

July 1, 1970

May 1, 1972

Maulana Mufti Mehmood

May 1, 1972

February 12, 1973

Sardar Inayatullah Khan Gandapur

April 29, 1973

February 16, 1975

Governor's rule

February 16, 1975

May 3, 1975

Nasrullah Khan Khattak

May 3, 1975

April 9, 1977

Muhammad Iqbal Khan Jadoon

April 9, 1977

July 5, 1977

Martial law

July 5, 1977

April 7, 1985

Arbab Jehangir Khan

April 7, 1985

May 31, 1988

Lt Gen (r) Fazle Haq (caretaker)

May 31, 1988

December 2, 1988

Aftab Ahmad Sherpao (1st time)

December 2, 1988

August 7, 1990

Mir Afzal Khan (acting till 8 Nov 1990)

August 7, 1990

July 20, 1993

Mufti Muhammad Abbas (caretaker)

July 20, 1993

October 20, 1993

Pir Sabir Shah

October 20, 1993

February 25, 1994

Governor's rule

February 25, 1994

April 24, 1994

Aftab Ahmad Sherpao (2nd time)

April 24, 1994

November 12, 1996

Raja Sikander Zaman Khan (caretaker)

November 12, 1996

February 21, 1997

Mehtab Ahmed Khan

February 21, 1997

October 12, 1999

Governor's rule

October 12, 1999

November 30, 2002

Akram Khan Durrani

November 30, 2002

October 11, 2007

Shamsul Mulk (caretaker)

October 11, 2007

March 30, 2008

Ameer Haider Khan Hoti

March 31, 2008

March 20, 2013

Justice (R) Tariq Pervez Khan (caretaker)

May 31, 2013

Parvez Khattak

May 31, 2013


Governors of Punjab 1947-2016


Took office

Left office

Sir Francis Mudie(1890–1976)

15 Aug 1947

2 Aug 1949

Abdur Rab Nishtar

2 Aug 1949

24 Nov 1951

Ibrahim Ismail Chundrigar

24 Nov 1951

2 May 1953

Mian Aminuddin

2 May 1953

24 Jun 1954

Habib Ibrahim Rahimtoola

24 Jun 1954

>26 Nov 1954

Mushtaq Ahmed Gurmani

27 Nov 1954

14 Oct 1955

Lt Gen Attiqur Rahman

1 Jul1970

23 Dec 1971

Ghulam Mustafa Khar

23 Dec 1971

12 November 1973

Sadiq Hussain Qureshi

12 November 1973

14 Mar 1975

Ghulam Mustafa Khar

14 Mar 1975

31 Jul 1975

Mohammad Abbas Abbasi

31 Jul 1975

5 Jul 1977

Justice Aslam Riaz Hussain

5 Jul 1977

18 Sept 1978

Lt Gen Sawar Khan

18 Sept 1978

1 May 1980

Lt Gen Ghulam Jilani Khan

1 May 1980

30 Dec 1985

Sajjad Hussain Qureshi

30 Dec 1985

9 Dec 1988

Gen Tikka Khan

9 Dec 1988

6 Aug 1990

Mian Muhammad Azhar

6 Aug 1990

25 Apr 1993

Chaudhary Altaf Hussain

25 Apr 1993

19 Jul 1993

Lt Gen Muhammad Iqbal

19 Jul 1993

26 Mar 1994

Chaudhary Altaf Hussain

26 Mar 1994

22 May 1995

Justice Muhammad Ilyas

22 May 1995

19 Jun 1995

Lt Gen Raja Saroop Khan

19 Jun 1995

6 Nov 1996

Justice Khalilur Rehman

6 Nov 1996

11 Nov 1996

Khawaja Tariq Rahim

11 Nov 1996

11 Mar 1997

Shahid Hamid

11 Mar 1997

18 Aug 1999

Zulfiqar Ali Khosa

18 Aug 1999

12 Oct 1999

Lt Gen Muhammad Safdar

25 Oct 1999

29 Oct 2001

Lt Gen Khalid Maqbool

29 Oct 2001

16 May 2008

Salmaan Taseer

17 May 2008

4 Jan 2011

Rana Muhammad Iqbal

4 Jan 2011

13 Jan 2011

Latif Khosa

13 Jan 2011

22 Dec 2013

Makhdoom Syed Ahmed Mahmud

25 Dec 2013

13 May 2013
Mohammad Sarwar

Rafique Rajwana                  10 May 2015
2 Aug 2013

3 May 2015


Governor Of Sindh

  1. Dr. Ishrat
  2. Dr. Ishrat ul Ebad Khan - Governor Sindh. He is the 30th Governor of Sindh, Pakistan. Holding the post since 27th December 2002, he has the distinction of becoming the province's longest serving..

NumberName of GovernorEntered Office
26.Mamnoon HussainJune 19, 1999
27.Air Marshal Azim Daudpota, PAFOctober 25, 1999
28.Muhammad Mian SoomroMay 25, 2000
29.Dr. Ishrat-ul-Ibad KhanDecember 27, 2002

Governors of Balochistan 1970-2016



Term start

Term end


Riaz Hussain

1 July, 1970

21 December, 1971


Ghous Bakhsh Raisani

29 December, 1971

13 April, 1972


Ghaus Bakhsh Bizenjo

29 April, 1972

15 February, 1973


Akbar Khan Bugti

15 February, 1973

2 January, 1974


Ahmad Yar Khan

2 January, 1974

5 July, 1977


Khuda Bakhsh Marri

5 July, 1977

18 September, 1978


Rahimuddin Khan

18 September, 1978

12 March, 1984


F.S. Khan Lodhi

22 March, 1984

18 November, 1984


Khushdil Khan Afridi

18 November, 1984

30 December, 1985


Musa Khan

30 December, 1985

12 March, 1991


Mir Hazar Khan Khoso

12 March, 1991

13 July, 1991


Gul Mohammad Khan Jogezai

13 July, 1991

19 July, 1993


Abdul Rahim Durrani

19 July, 1993

19 May, 1994


Imran Ullah Khan

19 May, 1994

8 April, 1997


Mir Abdul Jabbar

10 April, 1997

22 April, 1997


Miangul Aurangzeb

22 April, 1997

17 August, 1999


Syed Fazal Agha

18 August, 1999

12 October, 1999


Amir-ul-Mulk Mengal

25 October, 1999

29 January, 2003


Abdul Qadir Baloch

1 February, 2003

11 August, 2003


Owais Ahmed Ghani

11 August, 2003

5 January, 2008


Justice Ammanullah Yaseen Zai

5 January, 2008

28 February, 2008


Zulfikar Ali Magsi

28 February, 2008

11 June 2013


Muhammad Khan Achakzai

11 June 2013


Governors of Khyber Pakhtunkhaw 1947-2016

name                                                                               Join 

Sir George Cunningham

15 Aug 1947

9 Apr 1948

Sir Ambrose Dundas Flux Dundas

19 Apr 1948

16 Jul 1949

Sahibzada Mohammad Khurshid

16 Jul 1949

14 Jan 1950

K.B Mohammad Ibrahim Khan(Judicial Commissioner) (acting)

14 Jan 1950

17 Feb 1950

Ismail Ibrahim Chundrigar

17 Feb 1950

23 Nov 1951

Khwaja Shahabuddin

24 Nov 1951
r />
17 Nov 1954

Qurban Ali Shah

17 Nov 1954

14 Oct 1955


Took office

Left office

Lt Gen K.M. Azhar Khan

1 Jul 1970

25 Dec 1971

Hayat Sherpao

25 Dec 1971

30 Apr 1972

Arbab Sikandar Khan

29 Apr 1972

15 Feb 1973

Aslam Khattak

15 Feb 1973

24 May 1974

Maj Gen Syed Ghawas

24 May 1974

1 Mar 1976

Maj Gen Naseerullah Babar

1 Mar 1976

6 Jul 1977

Abdul Hakeem Khan

6 Jul 1977

17 Sept 1978

Lt Gen Fazl-Haq

11 Oct 1978

12 Dec 1985

Nawabzada Abdul Ghafoor Khan Hoti

30 Dec 1985

18 Apr 1986

Syed Usman Ali Shah

18 Apr 1986

27 Aug 1986

Fida Mohammad Khan

27 Aug 1986

16 Jun 1988

Bri Gen Amir Gulistan Janjua

16 Jun 1988

19 Jul 1993

Maj Gen Khurshid Ali Khan

19 Jul 1993

5 Nov 1996

Justice Said Ibne Ali

5 Nov 1996

11 Nov 1996

Lt Gen Arif Bangash

11 Nov 1996

17 Aug 1999

Miangul Aurangzeb

18 Aug 1999

21 Oct 1999

Lt Gen Mohammad Shafiq

21 Oct 1999

14 Aug 2000

Lt Gen Iftikhar Hussain Shah

14 Aug 2000

15 Mar 2005

Commander Khalilur Rehman

15 Mar 2005

23 May 2006

Lt Gen Ali Jan Aurakzai

24 May 2006

7 Jan 2008

Owais Ahmed Ghani

7 Jan 2008

9 Feb 2011

Syed Masood Kausar

10 Feb 2011

10 Feb 2013

Eng. Shaukatullah Khan

10 Feb 2013

June 2013


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